Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Paula Deen.... Are you really from the South?!

So yesterday I was forced to watch Paula Deen. She gets on my nerves sometimes with her accent. I think its phony! I have been debating on this for quite sometime, but I must admit she proved me right yesterday.

Here's what happened... Paula had some lady on with her making cinnamon rolls. They were having a grand old time making them when they decided to add a particular nut to the mix. This nut has been the center of a huge debate in our society. That debate is how do you pronouce the word pecan.

Now I have even researched this online. The online dictionary pronounced it the way I say it...(the right way!) (puh-con) NOT, I stress NOT Pee-can. That doesn't even roll off the tongue the way it should.

All I have to say is Paula Deen, you had better hope I don't contact the folks at Smithsville. They will tear your contract up in a heartbeat because of the false advertisement that you are this true Southern Belle! Heck no! Scarlett was a better Southerner than you!

Sorry to all the Deen fans out there that I may have upset. But you can only imagine how upset I was when I heard that curse word come out of her mouth pretending that was the "Southern" way to say it!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Blank Canvas

A blank canvas, thats what I walked into whenever I first saw my classroom. It was a bit intimidating knowing that in two short months it would be filled with color, imagination, and love. Then again, what on earth was I going to put on these walls?

So...again, now what? I know in all my classes the creativity part never seemed very hard, but now it seemed a huge daunting task that I wasn't sure I wanted to take on. However, it was too late for that. What was I going to do, let my kids stare at four blank walls!? I knew that wasn't an option. I turned to the internet. I found this awesome website heyteach.biz. I was amazed at how cheap their prices were, shipping wasn't that bad either. I think I spent maybe fifty bucks, and I got everything I wanted. I am a sucker for Dr. Seuss, and they have a ton of his stuff!

The next day, I went back up to my school with questions in mind, "Can I paint," "Does it matter what color I paint it?" I was thrilled to learn that I could. I even picked out a beautiful scene to go on the wall. (I blogged about this earlier)

Now I did not go up there every day this summer, and I am not completely finished with my classroom. However, I am proud of what I have done so far... Enjoy the pictures below. (Ignore the old computers, they are being removed. They just haven't been removed yet.)



