Saturday, November 1, 2008

Time flying by...

You know I cannot count the times I have wished life away.  Not in the sense that one would generally assume. I am not wishing for death, no on the other hand, I am wishing for more action to come into my life.  More than likely I am ready for something to happen.

I cannot remember how long I wished the days, months, and years away to be teaching. I have counted down days for different activities, and normally those activities fly by before I realize they are here.

This has been on my mind lately because once again I am counting down.  Rob will be here in November.  On a different note, I will update everyone...

My classroom was broken into a week or two ago.  It scared me, and I felt violated.  However, according to EVERY teacher at my school the police officer who comforted me was hot.  They have all decided they will cry to get him to hug them.  I didn't even realize he was hugging me.. lol

My other current pondering... why do black students name call by calling each other black??? I wanna saw oooooooooooooo... He told you, he black... In case you didn't know that since you are 8-10 years of age.  However, it gets more confusing when they call each other white.  They will say something derogatory about whites.  I have to remind them that I am white.  Their reply, "Oh yeah, sorry Ms. Brewer, we forgot!"  I guess they don't see me everyday.

Sleepiness is taking over.. I am calling it a night.