Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm losing myself...

So for months now I've been working on losing weight.  I've been allowing myself to cheat from time to time. What overweight person wouldn't?  Seriously though, I go through spills when I just didn't care anymore.  What does it matter?  It's like I've been overweight for years and years and years, what makes me think I can just quit what I've been used to for most of my life.

Anyway, I was going to WeightWatchers.  Now I'm not downing WeightWatchers, they are a business.  And apparently their program does work. I've lost weight.  But after a while, you begin to wonder why you are forking over your money just for them to say, "umm... yeah you must not have done right this week, gained a pound",  "way to go, see you keep up with it, and you'll keep losing..lost a pound,"  or my personal favorite "Wow, (insert member's name here) would you like to share with the group how you lost your 3 pounds this week."

Do you really want me to say that I didn't write down everything I ate.  I am just actually working to make more conscientious choices on food.  So at the beginning of the New Year, I told myself I would keep losing weight, but without forking over my life savings! 

So yeah, I've lost another 2 pounds.  I am 8 pounds away from my first goal weight.  Then I will set another goal.  Then finally I should be able to set my target weight and achieve it.  By the time I'm done I will have lost oh 70-ish pounds.  I have currently lost 15.  So yeah 35 more to go.  I just figure making smaller goals and rewarding myself along the way will be better.  WeightWatchers does the small thing, but I will give myself more than a keychain!