Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well I have decided to give this a whirl. This was a very tough decision and after long thought and consideration and have decided to create a blog. Now I have blogged before, I would hate to mislead someone.. But I have blogged on myspace. Now blogging there seems to be different. Most of the time I am ranting about something that made me mad. I would like to think there is some good reading material in there from time to time. Believe it or not, I actually have people who subscribe to my blog to make sure they read it. I believe these people really do not have a life, but I am checking into it to make sure. To further prove how nerdy I am, I used to have a live journal. Technically, I think I still do. Maybe this won't end up like the live journal. By the way, an FYI to anyway who stumbles upon this to read, I am sarcastic, very sarcastic. If sarcasm bothers you, well I will probably bother you. If sarcasm is your friend, then hey, you will love me!

This is me, love me, hate me, befriend me... just take me as I am..

1 comment:

Sylvia Grace said...

I luv me some Layla -sarcasm and all! Don't abandon this blog- I'm ordering that from today on you must blog weekly! (Daily would also be great!).