Monday, June 23, 2008

Kids today

I've been reading online about these Massachusetts's teens.  They made a pregnancy pact.  They said they wanted to have someone to love them always. Now I can see how this conversation goes.  There is one or two girls who actually need love and affection.  Maybe not in this particular form, but they need attention because they are not getting any at home.  So because of the few who need some sort of attention, seventeen young girls are now pregnant.

None of them are over the age of 16.  And a few of them admit to having slept with some homeless guy in his mid twenties.  What are the parents going to do, what every parent would do? Press charges, of course! I am not one for abortion, but I have no idea what to do in this situation. In Massachusetts, the young girls are not considered adults until they are 17.  Therefore the parents have the right to press charges against these men. I wonder how guilty they are, these girls had a preconceived agenda! I feel they are the ones who should be punished!

I don't know, maybe its just me.. Here is a link to a Time's article... Since the original story was released some have said the pact wasn't created until after the first two or three were pregnant. But being under 16 and being sad that your pregnancy test was negative is sad! 

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Take me to the Court

The noble English Court that is. I just finished watching "The Other Boleyn Girl."  I must say that I did enjoy it, but then again movies made about that time period always interest me.  There were a few rough parts.  Mainly after Henry broke off ties with Rome and the Catholic Church.

But back to me, I think I would have thrived during that time period. Now I am not thinking about all the technologies I would be without, I am just thinking of the lavish dressings, jewelry, and chance of catching the King's eye.  I think I could play that game. Ann didn't even have to bed the King to get him to divorce his wife. She didn't wink either. Just think if she would have, I would have! lol

Now I realize with the life expectancy I would probably be dead by the age I am now; however, with the way my life has been in the past, I think its amazing I am alive now present day! My brother made certain to have me hospitalized every chance he got.  Whether he truly meant to or not is beside the point, he did!

Of course, let us not forget that even though Ann put the country of England through much turmoil, Elizabeth, her daughter, lead England through her Golden Ages. She ruled for what forty-something years! So Ann apparently took after her mother, she was smart. Think about it, there were NO divorces, annulments, etc back then.  Well, there were annulments, but they only happened if the marriage wasn't consummated.  I think it was a no-brainer since Queen Catherine had bore only one girl who survived infancy out of four other girls and one boy, sadly, who died two or three months after birth.  The clincher was the Catherine was related to the Pope.  This is one reason she knew he wouldn't grant the annulment.  However, Ann bewitching Henry didn't stop that, he broke off ties with the Catholic Church. Anyway, I am rambling, Ann was smart. Her mistake came in committing treason, well even though she actually didn't the thought of committing treason was enough back then. 

Elizabeth learned from her mother's mistakes.  Men, complicate things.  She ruled England without one, and England prospered greatly.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Syl, this ones for you!

According to some people, I should update this daily. I will today, but I will spare the other readers of the bore of me updating daily. Something struck me today and therefore I decided to blog.

So as I was stalking someone on myspace, (I love doing that!) anyway, I began to take note at the number of people pregnant or recently given birth. I am also amazed at the number of people getting married recently. Does this happen every year? Have a just ignored it until now? Or is it just now that it is happening to my friends, I am noticing.

I have never been someone who wanted to rush into getting married, but I will admit here lately I have felt like Charlotte on "Sex and the City."  Carrie once described Charlotte and marriage as a sorority she desperately wanted to join.  Now I wouldn't call myself desperate, but I have been hearing the faint little ringing of an alarm on that damn clock that women always complain about!

I am sure this is something that I will forget about with some time passing, but right now it seems to be thrown in my face! I am currently working as much as I can to keep my head from just thinking about this all the time. It's frustrating, but I am sure I will survive!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Update..

So I am preparing to teach 3rd grade. I am very excited about teaching. Teaching is something that is in my family. It's  hereditary, my mother, aunts, uncles, sister, etc all teachers. I feel that this is something I have been groomed to do.  I remember being about 8 or 9 and having my own peer tutoring group in reading.  I was responsible for covering a certain amount of material per day just like a teacher would be. Later on, when my friends and I were getting together for play dates, we would play school.  We had all sorts of supplies, stickers, and plenty of chalk!

Well, now that I have reached the important milestone in my life of becoming a teacher, I am completely nervous about taking the next step.  I am going to be responsible for their education.  It is nerve-wracking, but I will accept this challenge along with the other challenges I have presented myself with along the way.

With this new classroom comes decorating, this is a very important part of preparing for my students.  So I have picked out a beautiful sky blue color to paint one wall.  That wall will have a mural on it.  I have picked one out from a picture from one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books, "The Lorax."

Enjoy the picture, this is what I am painting in my classroom.